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  4. Paper Airplane Craft - Roundel Insignia

A roundel in heraldry is a disc; the term is also commonly used to refer to a type of national insignia used on military aircraft, generally circular in shape and usually comprising concentric rings of different colours.

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In January 1947 red bars were added within the existing white bars on both USN and USAAF aircraft and in September of the same year, the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) became an independent service and was renamed the United States Air Force (USAF).

More free content listed on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Aircraft Insignia

 About the Exhibition

How Things Fly Web site, a companion to the physical exhibition at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. The goal is to explain the basic principles that allow aircraft and spacecraft to fly.

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 Playlist: NASA's Space Place

What Is a Solar Eclipse?
For more information about safely viewing eclipses, visit:...
How Do We Know Earth Is Changing?
Scientists can use new and old pictures to keep track of Earth’s...
What Is an Aurora?
An aurora looks like a beautiful display of lights in the sky. We can...
What Is a Nebula?
Nebulae are far away from Earth. We know what they look like because...
What Causes Sea Level Rise?
People have been measuring local sea level at certain locations along...
How Do We Launch Things into Space?
You’ve probably seen beautiful photos of Earth and the other planets...
What Is the Greenhouse Effect?
Earth is a comfortable place for living things. It’s just the right...
Why Is the Sky Blue?
Why is the sky blue and not purple, green or orange? It's all because...
Our Moon Isn't the Only Moon!
Our Moon isn’t the only moon out there. In fact, some planets have a...
The Solar System's Formation
In this episode, find out how our solar system formed and how it came...
What is a Black Hole?
In this episode, find out how what a black hole is, how they can form,...
How does GPS work?
In this episode, find out how GPS works and how it can help you satisfy...

What Is a Solar Eclipse?

For more information about safely viewing eclipses, visit: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/eclipses/safety/

Whoa! It’s the middle of the day—so why is the sky getting dark? It’s a solar eclipse! A solar eclipse happens when, ...

