Recycling your unwanted or damaged discs is free. Send small quantities of discs in envelopes or boxes, choose what state you are in on the Web site and Invite a friend!
If you have small quantities of discs in envelopes or boxes, choose what state you are in.
- VHS tapes. There’s a lot of work for us to recycle your VHS tapes. We need to take them apart, and separate the film, metal and plastic. For VHS tapes, we highly encourage that you make a donation to Ability First for the good work that the people do for you and the environment.
- Cassette tapes. Please treat like CDs and DVDs
- InkJet cartridges. Please wrap in a paper towel or keep separate to help contain any ink spillage.
- Cell Phones, small electronics, mp3 players, charges, Floppy disks, computer cables, printer cables, extension cords,Christmas lights.
Playlist: Earth 911 TV

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Undercover: In Search Of Organic Food
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Which Smart Thermostat is Right For You?
John P clears the confusion so you can choose the right smart thermostat for your home or office. We look at EcoBee , Nest, and Honeywell devices.
Honeywell: ...
Honeywell: ...