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  5. The Ordinary Folks Are Not Counted, Again!

Stop making statements that the early signs of a new president and his cabinet are on a losing streak?

The ordinary folks in the world would find the MEDIA statements ABSURD about the orange LOSER

1In 100 Days, Donald Trump Hasn’t Done Much Except Show Off His Signature

He and the conservative devils that scream family values has destroyed communities and made PRISON FOR PROFIT RICHER.

2The Criminalization Of Immigrants From Clinton To Trump

500% Increase

The biggest private prison owner in America, The Corrections Corporation of America, has seen its profits increase by more than 500% in the past 20 years. Moreover, the business’ growth shows no sign of stopping, having already approached 48 states to take over government-run prisons

3For-Profit Prisons: 8 Statistics That Show the Problems

It's not easy to determine the cost of deporting an undocumented immigrant from the United States.

4How much does it cost to deport someone?

deportation costs immigration
