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Natural Habitat Adventures and World Wildlife Fund have teamed up to arrange nearly a hundred nature travel experiences around the planet, while...
Most of these young activists will be of voting age by the 2020 election. The demonstrations, easily the largest to focus on climate, represent a...
Last year, Greta started sitting outside of her country’s parliament in Stockholm with a sign reading: “School Strike for Climate.” Today,...
United States will divert some money for Defense Department infrastructure to instead construct or repair additional barrier sections on the...
Who are the corporations responsible for the deadly US-Mexico wall? More Than a Wall, "the report from the Transnational Institute," looks at the...
A historic, successful birth of a southern white rhino calf at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park—the conservation organization’s first rhino born...
Across the country, our class stands 7.5 million strong. And in unity, we’re giving 2020 political candidates a choice: Have a plan to get to...
The Peoples Climate Movement uses two key strategies to demand bold action on climate change:  mass mobilization and movement alignment. By...
Polar Bears International ensures a future for polar bears across the Arctic. Learn how the polar bear deals with life. Keep up with our latest...
“The extraordinary heat was accompanied by dramatic ice melt in Greenland, in the Arctic and on European glaciers. Unprecedented wildfires raged...
The aftermath of the American Civil War: At the end of the Civil War, the five southeastern tribes faced reparations for opposing the North. All...
Five years ago, the journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates published “The Case for Reparations” in The Atlantic, a cover story that would reinvigorate...