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Marine debris, also known as marine litter, is human-created waste that has deliberately or accidentally been released in a lake, sea, ocean or waterway. Floating oceanic debris tends to accumulate at the centre of gyres and on coastlines, frequently washing aground, when it is known as beach litter or tidewrack. Deliberate disposal of wastes...
In this edition of Energy 101, we discuss lighting choices. People have been using the same light bulb since Thomas Edison invented it about 130 years ago. Today, there are more lighting options in stores that will save you energy and money. You are free to download and share our list of learning activities. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Activity...
Recycling your unwanted or damaged discs is free. Send small quantities of discs in envelopes or boxes, choose what state you are in on the Web site and Invite a friend! Read More
